• 16 ноября 2012, пятница
  • Пермь

International forum Closed Town | Artists_Hackers_Entrepreneurs

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Форум Digital Village – Going Global
4173 дня назад
с 10:00 16 ноября до 20:00 18 ноября 2012

Closed Town Forum | Artists_Hackers_Entrepreneurs will be held in Perm on November, 16-18, 2012. Forum is a continuation of OpenCity 2011 and attracts attention of foreign and Russian experts, businessmen and scientists, creative young people, entrepreneurs in spheres of art, design, technology, media. 

Closed Town Forum | Artists_Hackers_Entrepreneurs Forum 2012 is a place where everyone will have a chance to present projects and ideas, get new contacts and learn a lot of interesting and useful things. This year forum is devoted to all those people who create wonderful things, develop the technology and science and inspire us – Artists, Hackers and Entrepreneurs.

We suppose that three components – creativity, technology and entrepreneurship – give everyone a chance to realize brilliant ideas and make outstanding projects. Hence, the Program of Closed Town Forum | Artists_Hackers_Entrepreneurs is devoted to exhibitions, seminars and lectures, interactive sessions in the spheres mentioned above. 

The main goals of Forum are to understand the main things and factors that are necessary for the future development and to develop communication between creative communities, entrepreneurs, scientists and engineers. During the forum everyone will have a chance to present their projects and ideas and to realize them, to share their experience with experts and the audience. 

Last year OpenCity Forum had a great success and attracted over 50 experts in different fields from 8 countries, over 2000 visitors, over 50 projects and ideas were presented. Closed Town 2012 will also be full of interactive and useful events devoted to Artists, Hackers and Entrepreneurs. 

The Forum will have different events, among them are DDM (Day of Design Management), PechaKucha Night, Startup Weekend for IT startups, different lectures and seminars. Moreover, there will be several exhibitions and special events for networking. 

Forum guests are over 1 000 creative people:
• Specialists in design, creative communities, IT, architecture, public art and infrastructure, representatives of non-profit organizations;
• Teams of startups;
• Entrepreneurs, businessmen and venture capitalists;
• Creative young people.


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